
Monthly Top Marketing Tips

  1. Want to be more creative with your marketing? Here at TLC we are always searching the web for images to use within our campaigns and we have found a website that might just lend a helping hand. Digital Image Magazine has compiled a list of the Top 25 Free stock Image websites. Have a break from searching for hours and take a look to see if any of these can assist.
  2. Having trouble with your USP? Finding something to help you stand out from the competition is never easy. We here at TLC suggest Purple Cow by Seth Godin. In Purple Cow marketing Guru Seth Godin urges everyone involved in creating, designing or selling to think in new ways about their market.  Adopting alternative approaches to your business that will help your company survive.
  3. If you are thinking of using the benefits of YouTube to build your brand online we have come across this comprehensive list of free video editing software for Windows, Mac and Linux users. Check out this link for Desk Top Video Guide or alternatively click here for a more complete list.