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September special marketing offer
Uncategorised15% of marketing campaigns this September
September is a crucial month for businesses. Summer is over, the kids are back at school, people have returned from their holidays feeling refreshed and re-focused (we hope!) and everyone starts to…

SEO-PR The Perfect Match
UncategorisedTLC would like to take the opportunity to welcome two new members to the TLC team.
We would first like to introduce you to our SEO wizard. Tim is an experienced online marketing expert that has worked for both Internet Marketing Agencies and…

September's Top Marketing Tips
The Layout Look Book is a great guide for both amateur and professional designers. The book includes techniques that can be used to enhance any layout, as well providing insights into the factors that helped make each layout an effective…

TLC Business add SEO expert to the team
UncategorisedWe are delighted to announce that TLC Business is now able to offer SEO and PPCmanagement services to our clients. The addition of SEO guru Tim Tavender to the TLC Business team now enables us to offer efffective, results-driven SEO services…

Kindle takes on iPad
UncategorisedStyle over substance?
Despite all the hype, is the iPad the perfect example of style over substance? Designed to be portable and accessed on the go, anywhere, the iPad has one significant flaw, you can't read it in sunlight. Amazon has seized…

Top 2010 Global Brands Announced
Uncategorised2010 Top Global Brands
Each year Interbrand conduct a survey to help identify what the top global brands are. 2010's top 30 is made up from the familiar names but who made it too top spot? Microsoft, Google and Coca Cola all featured highly,…

STOP Traffic This Autumn
UncategorisedWe here at TLC Business have previously mentioned that ‘Gorilla Marketing’ remains a strong influence on our marketing philosophy. If used effectively, Gorilla Marketing can add a buzz to your brand and make a product or service worth talking…

Monthly Marketing Tips
UncategorisedSeptembers Top Marketing Tips
The Hampshire Business Directory is now available for the reduced price of £180, offering a 10% saving. This offer is available until 30 September 2010. The directory contains key business information and…

Our Top 3 Global Brands
UncategorisedWe have previously mentioned that each year Interbrand conducts a survey to help identify the top global brands. The Top Global Brands survey offers insight into how these global organisations create and manage brand value. 2010's top 30 is…

October's Top Marketing Tips
Sometimes it’s not easy reading through books looking for the perfect answer to your design query. If you struggle to find inspiration; here is a great book to add to your wishlist. The Non-Designers Design Book is a great tool for helping…

Top Monthly Marketing Tips
Uncategorised1. When designing a website or simply putting together an email campaign, it is important what colours you use and place together. SwatchSpot is a simple and useful online tool that can help you by generating random colour swatches so that you…

The Holidays Are Coming
UncategorisedFor many, Christmas is an important landmark in the calendar. For some, it’s the culmination of a year-long planning process, and for others, it’s a last minute shopping trip to grab the Christmas essentials.
Whilst, we were all enjoying…

Top Marketing Tips For November
Save the Words, a clever new Website from Oxford University Press. The makers of the Oxford English Dictionary have developed the site based on the simple idea that a word won’t die if it gets used often enough. Each year hundreds of words…

Is it a bird, is it a plane? No it’s an SME
UncategorisedThe last few weeks’ headlines have been dominated by talk of deficits and cuts. So we thought we’d take a look at how the Private Sector will help overcome these measures and ride to the rescue of the economy.
With the Public Sector now…

How interested are SMEs in Sustainability?
UncategorisedSustainability and green business practices are topics that provoke much debate amongst larger corporates but how interested are SMEs in this area?
If you asked SME business owners where sustainable business practices sit on their list of business…