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Google Analytics – Where To Start?

Last week, TLC Business hosted a marketing seminar on the ‘Top Ten Tools to Effective SME Marketing’, with topics including, CRM systems, video and email marketing.  Over the next few months, we will be exploring these topics further, providing…

Drill-down into your social activity

Following on from our July marketing seminar, last month we provided you with a blog dedicated to the importance of Google Analytics and what your business should be measuring. As promised, in this blog we delve deeper into the world of social…

A picture is worth a thousand words

Following on from our July marketing seminar, here is another top tip to more effective SME marketing. This month we highlight the growing trend in Quick Response (QR) codes. Whilst the QR code debate rages on and we assess whether this is…

Top Marketing Tips September 2012

A tool to help you expand your Google+ following. Use Find People On Plus to search for individuals and companies using Google+. Followerwonk helps you explore and grow your social graph. Dig deeper into Twitter analytics: Who are your…

Top Marketing Tips - October 2012

Pheed is the latest social media platform to come on the scene. It offers the standard sharing features, such as text, photos and videos. However, they have decided to differentiate their offering by including new features like voice notes,…

An insight into Britain’s coolest brand

Last month, CoolBrands released a list of what they described as an electric collection of some of the coolest brands in Britain.  Since 2001, CoolBrands have been canvasing the opinions of consumers and industry insiders about the coolest…

'CamKids' Update

You may already know that TLC Business supports ‘CamKids’, The Cambodian Children’s Charity. In 2010, TLC Business decided too help the charity further by sponsoring a young girl called Sreylim. Unfortunately, Sreylim’s parents are too…

Top Marketing Tips - November 2012

1. Instagram Web ProfileInstagram is about to launch a web based profile for its users. This will allow Instagram users to directly edit and create pictures through their PC and laptops rather than through a mobile phone. Instagram released…

The Marketing Week that Was - Obama, Apple & John Lewis

Obama's Presidential Social Media Campaign - 2008 vs. 2012As Barack Obama celebrates another four years in the White House, a recent staudy by Cognitive Match looked at the numbers behind Obama’s latest campaign, and how his social media influence…

Don’t delay – review your marketing straight away

As the end of the year approaches, businesses need to take the time to look at how they are going to improve their marketing’s effectiveness and grow their business in the coming year. What tools are you currently using for business growth?…

In case you missed it - Key 'B2B Buying Behaviour' Survey Findings

Each year, BaseOne commission a 'B2B Buyers Behaviour' Survey exploring key themes and channels used by B2B organisation buyers to purchase services and products. Here is a quick summary of the key findings in 2012's report. Enjoy! What are…

Marketing Titbits - Top campaigns, youtube videos and marketing infographics of 2012

Take a look at the 'Marketing Titbits' we've found for you this month. There are sources of inspiration in there for everyone:1. Top 10 Campaigns of 2012 Take a look at Marketing Week’s top 10 pick of this year’s marketing campaigns.…

Marketing Titbits - SlideShare, changes to Twitter and Google +

Following on from the launch of our 'Marketing Titbits' at the end of last year, here are 3 'titbits' we think you need to know about this week: In 2013, SlideShare is predicted to be the fastest-growing social network site, alongsideFacebook…

Marketing Titbits - free social media monitoring tool, Google URL builder & Huggies!

‘Mention’ is a comprehensive online monitoring tool, which covers both web and social media. Businesses can use ‘Mention’ to monitor their brand, company, keyword, competitor and more ‘mentions’ online, in real time. Unlike…

What can SMEs learn from HMV?

Major record labels, including Universal Music, Warner Music and Sony, have agreed to reduce the prices of CDs and DVDs, in a strategic attempt to rescue HMV.The high street retailer has looked vulnerable for some time, particularly since announcing…