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#MarketingTitbits - writing tips, LinkedIn, marketing fails
Uncategorised1. 12 handy tips for writing better web copy
Some people consider writing for the web more difficult than it actually has to be. If you fall into this camp, Econsultancy may be able to help. They have put together some handy tips to keep in…

#MarketingTitbits - YouTube, LinkedIn, billboard campaigns
Uncategorised1. YouTube tops the list as favourite digital brand among children
Childwise, a market research company, has published a report highlighting that YouTube was the most popular site for 5 - 16 year olds over a 7-day period following a survey…

Buyersphere Report 2015: Summary
UncategorisedBuyersphere Report 2015: Summary
In a world where digital technology has given us access to more data than at any point in history, it can be easy for B2B marketers to get lost amongst a never-ending forests of stats and statistics. Add to…

Have you applied for your Growth Voucher worth up to £2000?
UncategorisedThe Growth Voucher scheme was set up by the government last year, which gives businesses the opportunity to receive up to £2000 match funding with the aim of helping SMEs get strategic business advice and support to help them grow.

#MarketingTitbits - content writing, Halifax, learning to code
Uncategorised1. 17 fantastically useful tools for content writers and bloggers
For content writers and bloggers, writing can often be a stressful and difficult set of skills to master. But with the help of Econsultancy, we can show you some of the best…

We've moved!
UncategorisedWe are delighted to share with you our good news – we’ve moved!
We’ve loved our time in St Cross, but due to expansion, we have now located to larger offices just on the outskirts of Winchester, in the idyllic countryside location of…

#MarketingTitbits - domains, data laws, Budget 2015
Uncategorised1. Eight genuinely useful tools for domain name generation
When creating a website, the hardest part can often be thinking of and securing a name. One of the biggest problems today is that there are over 900 million registered website domains,…

April Fool's Day round-up
UncategorisedIn case you didn't notice, it was April Fool's Day yesterday and it was no surprise that many brands were getting involved, seeing how far they could get away with pulling the wool over their audience's unsuspecting eyes. From cringe-worthy…

#MarketingTitbits - Google, websites - then and now, Twitter election
Uncategorised1. The Google algorithm update may be a thing of the past
Google’s algorithm updates are known by names such as Penguin or Panda and will regularly move the SEO goal posts, leaving marketers awaiting their arrival with a certain level of…

#MarketingTitbits - Twitter, Aldi, advertising fails
Uncategorised1. Twitter officially lets you retweet with comments now
Over the years, Twitter has faced criticism from frustrated users who struggled to warm to the limited functionality of the platform, but their latest change could help allay some of…

#MarketingTitbits - retail technology, reputable brands, royal celebrations
Uncategorised1. Shoppers using average five connected devices to purchaseWhen purchasing goods both online and in-store, consumers are now on average using five ‘connected’ devices during the process, whether this be browsing, researching, comparing…

#MarketingTitbits - email investment, Google search update, Facebook algorithms
Uncategorised1. Why is email investment falling despite high returns?
Marketers tend to be fond of email marketing due to the high return on investment (ROI) that it yields, so why is spending in this channel decreasing?
According to a census of 1,000…

#MarketingTitbits - General Election, Googling for pizza, spotting fake reviews
Uncategorised1. The election result: what it means for marketers
Over previous weeks, the general election result has dominated news headlines, as promises were made and the prospect of new legislation loomed. But, what does the new Tory government mean…

#MarketingTitbits - personalisation, McDonald's, Wonga
Uncategorised1. Google’s UK sales chief: it is criminal for brands to avoid personalisation
According to Google’s sales director, Martijn Bertisen, brands are still reluctant to “put faith into mobile”, even though 60% of consumers now wish for…

#MarketingTitbits - Google, Ryanair messaging, internet fees
Uncategorised1. Does Google use social signals for ranking?Are pieces of content more likely to rank higher on SERPs if they have more social signals (likes, retweets, comments, etc.) than similar content of less social ‘worth’? Econsultancy sheds some…