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#MarketingTitbits - Google, app, social media
Uncategorised1. 10 Google Doodle is celebrating the World Cup in style
For those of you who use Google, you are probably now used to the company celebrating historic moments through their Google doodles. The animations, interactive games and imaginative…

#MarketingTitbits - Glass, Pinterest, networking
Uncategorised1. Google Glass is coming to the UK
Until recently, Google Glass has been available only to those living in the USA. However, the company released a statement earlier this week stating that they will begin offering Glass to individuals in Great…

#MarketingTitbits - Twitter, Slogans, Colours
Uncategorised1. Twitter ‘Buy Now’ button appears for the first time
Twitter have added a new feature to your news feed which you may have already noticed. The ‘Buy now’ button was first spotted last Monday and by clicking it users can buy the product…

#MarketingTitbits - Keep Calm.., World Cup, speaking
Uncategorised1. Keep Calm and Carry On – the unlikely success of a failed slogan
“Keep Calm and Carry On” is now one of the most iconic British slogans. The slogan itself, as well as various interpretations, is used all over the world on a wide range…

We’re running a half marathon!
This year, we decided to set ourselves a challenge that would help develop us and raise some money for a fantastic cause at the same time.
After much debate, deliberation and no small amount of 'gentle' persuasion, it was agreed that a…

#MarketingTitbits - content marketing, lenses, Aldi
Uncategorised1. Ways to invite your followers into your content marketing
Content marketing has grown in popularity recently, but with the opportunity comes challenge for many businesses of how to go about taking advantage of it. A good example of comes…

A guide to Google My Business
UncategorisedA beginner's guide to Google My Business
Back in 2010, Google launched Google Places, allowing small businesses to put themselves on the map. Many companies set up Google Places listings, alongside Google+ pages; this meant they could acquire…

#MarketingTitbits - personalities, authentic brands, social media
Uncategorised1. The best jobs for every personality type
Ever wondered what job you are best suited for? If you don’t, taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test could be a start. You may not have come across it before, but this test has…

Couch to half marathon in just 3 months - we did it!!
This year, we decided to complete a challenge that all of us could work towards and help us to raise some money in the process. On Sunday, our months of training were put to the test as we tackled the gruelling and (deceptively) hilly Basingstoke…

#MarketingTitbits - ice bucket challenge, Red Bull vs. GoPro, CEOs
Uncategorised1. Charity defeats memes: ice bucket challenge hits 1 billion YouTube views
The Ice Bucket Challenge has been sweeping the globe over the past few months, but who could have predicted that it would become one of the internet’s biggest video…

#MarketingTitbits - Coke Life, social media demographics, productivity
Uncategorised1. Coke Life is the harbinger of death for Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola’s attempt to launch their new brand, Coca-Cola Life, has had the question raised byMarketingWeek, about whether their latest product a dud? Filled with 89 calories per can, Coca…

#MarketingTitbits - Facebook ads, Jack Daniel's stories, Google structured snippets
1. Nine best practice tips for Facebook advertising
E-Consultancy has compiled a list of the best marketing practices to use with Facebook. The tips include engaging with a vast audience in order to facilitate the opportunity for more clicks…

#MarketingTitbits - infographics, thrilling branded videos, eco apps
Uncategorised1. Five of Econsultancy’s best infographics from 2014
Econsultancy has compiled a round-up of their favourite infographics from this year, all addressing the subject of marketing. Many of the surveys carried out during the year have discovered…

#MarketingTitbits - Facebook, uni blunders, real-time marketing
Uncategorised1. Facebook just changed mobile advertising. Here’s how…
Facebook has set itself on a new mission – to combat ‘the mobile problem’. In the UK alone, Econsultancy believes that there is £1.9 billion+ of opportunity that isn’t being…

#MarketingTitbits - Facebook secrets, B&Q, startups
Uncategorised1. Shh… three Facebook marketing secrets
You may have read some of our Facebook advertising news stories over the past few weeks, but this week even more has been revealed. Some of the most experienced Facebook marketers may be surprised…