Entries by tlc

Camkids Winter 2015/16 Newsletter

TLC proudly sponsors Camkids – The Cambodian Children’s Charity, and this week we received our Winter 2015/16 Newsletter. Camkids are an amazing charity who supports less-fortunate children in Cambodia with parents who are unable to support them. Camkids have had a great start to the year, as they are now a fully-registered International Non-Governmental Organisation […]


Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for – the #TLCPlankChallenge leaderboard! As you can see, Shannon has stormed ahead with a 3:26 plank, closely followed by Josh with 3:13! Keep your eyes peeled for the next leaderboard update – will anyone out-plank Shannon?

We’re running the Southampton half marathon!

After much debate, consideration and ‘gentle’ persuasion, the TLC Business team decided to take part in an activity which will test our limits, and what better than the Southampton Half Marathon? With just under 90 days to go until the gruelling event, we’re all attempting to physically (and mentally) prepare ourselves. As you may already […]

#MarketingTitbits – Google’s Guidelines, Instagram Changes, Original Logos

1. 12 practical content tips from Google’s Page Quality guidelines During November last year, Google released a series of Page Quality rating guidelines for website owners, based on Google’s approximation of the highest and lowest quality content found today. One particular guideline which caught the attention of entrepreneurs was to improve their 404 (page not […]