7 marketing trends to look out for in 2022

The world of marketing is constantly evolving with innovative ways to engage with customers.

So we’ve put this blog together, so you can keep on top of the latest marketing trends, to build your business’ reputation and customer loyalty, as well as generate additional revenue:


1) Personalisation


A customised experience is becoming a big factor in customer spending, with 48% of millennials expecting personalisation. So businesses are adapting to offer a personalised service through customer profiling and targeting individuals directly.

Getting the marketing right helps to increase engagement and brand loyalty, resulting in happy customers who are proven to spend more.


2) Interactive content


Interactive content is a popular trend for 2022 and 93% of marketers have confirmed that video content is a vital part of their marketing strategy.

Many businesses are investing more in short videos as they are successful at capturing an audience’s attention and have the highest ROI (return on investment) of any social media strategy.

Sharing live content allows real-time engagement with your posts and is a really positive way to interact with your target audience. 80% of people like to engage with live videos instead of pre-recorded ones.

The open dialogue also encourages audiences to share information that can be used to create customer profiles and a more personalised service.

Other interactive content like quizzes, calculators and competitions all help to boost customer engagement and brand loyalty.


3) Influencer marketing


Influencers are industry experts with a great reputation. They create engaging content, which their followers will be highly influenced by.

Collaborating with influencers and creating shareable content helps businesses build brand awareness and reach a wider audience.


4) User-generated content


Great customer feedback will sell your service for you, so make sure you shout about it.

Aim to share customer feedback regularly and use case studies to help boost your business’ credibility and sales.


5) Voice search tactics


The rising popularity of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google, has created a new opportunity in SEO (search engine optimisation).

Writing your content so it answers popular questions will help virtual assistants pick up your content and share it with users.

41% of marketers plan to increase their investment in voice search tactics in 2022.

Check out our recent blog for more top trends in SEO.


6) Promote brand values


What your business stands for is becoming increasingly important to customers and this will continue throughout 2022. Research shows the customers are willing to switch to a brand that shares their values.

So the right brand messaging and content is key. Sustainability is high on the agenda, as is inclusivity.

In 2022, many businesses are including an ‘Accessibility Help’ button that activates alt text descriptions and sign language content, so content is more accessible to everyone.

Showing your business to be ethical and eco-conscious will help you connect with your target audience.


7) Social e-commerce


Social e-commerce is the winning combination of using social media to generate online sales.

Social e-commerce is already high on businesses’ agenda, with 73% of businesses including social e-commerce in their marketing strategy and even more looking to sell on social media in the next 3 years.

Social e-commerce is most successful when there is a clear call to action and users can easily click on photos, videos or in the copy itself to purchase services. Showcasing positive customer feedback and endorsements from influencers will help to generate sales.

To keep up to date with the latest marketing trends, join us for a free virtual marketing ideas session. Call our friendly team today on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk

Top 5 SEO tips

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimisation, is a secret weapon marketers use to make sure businesses rank well in search results.

Mastering SEO will help to boost your brand visibility, drive website traffic, attract new customers and increase sales.

So, here’s 5 of our top tips to get you started:


1) Target relevant keywords

Google and other search engines use complex algorithms to rank websites in search results. The search engines crawl through web content looking for the most useful and relevant information. So creating relevant engaging content is a great place to start getting noticed!

As well as including the right keywords (recognised heavily searched for words or phrases). As this will ultimately help people find your page and move you up the search rankings.

Creating relevant content also increases the chance of it being shared by industry influencers, which strengthens your brand authority and can have longer lasting results than paid for advertising.


2) Optimise Meta data

Your meta titles and meta descriptions need to be impactful, as they are often the first thing your audience will see. It could mean the difference between them clicking on your website or scrolling past onto a competitor’s page.

The descriptions should be unique, relevant to your target audience and make it clear what your page is about.

Don’t forget there’s a character limit for meta data, so make sure you include your keywords and write snappy titles and descriptions so you stay within the limit.

It’s important to keep an eye out for when keywords change and update your metadata so it stays relevant.


3) Focus on User Experience (UX)

User experience has become an important part of SEO, as sites that are hard for users to navigate will also be difficult for web crawlers to scan. Slow unresponsive pages, error messages and deadlinks will not only frustrate your customers, but affect your search engine rankings as well.

Optimising your site for mobile can also improve its search rankings and create a better user experience. It’s crucial as people spend 70% of their internet time on mobile devices and 74% of users say they’re more likely to return to a website if it’s mobile friendly.


4) Create evergreen content

Avoiding time sensitive content that quickly becomes outdated, has great long term value, as your content will stay relevant for longer and you’ll continue to generate more traffic over time.

Creating short, easy to read paragraphs will help to reduce the bounce rate.


5) Add backlinks

Acquiring backlinks gives you a great advantage, as each time another website links to yours in an article or blog, it boosts your domain authority and improves the chance of people clicking through to your website. Adding internal links will also help crawlers to find relevant content and improve your search ranking.

Creating shareable content, such as videos, infographics, guest blogs and client testimonials, will mean your website is more likely to be referenced on reliable domains and shared on social media. Which will boost your profile and create more sales opportunities.


For help with your SEO, why not join us for a free virtual marketing ideas session? Call our friendly team today on 01962 600 147 or email info@tlc-business.co.uk